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Join us on Friday, June 6th, at the King Kamehameha Kona Beach Resort Lū'au Grounds as we celebrate the beauty of Hula and the Hawaiian Culture.
Tickets & Program
Friday, June 6th
Lū'au Grounds
$5 Keiki (5-12 years old)
$10 Adults
Keiki 4 and under free lap child
Doors Open at 5pm
'Aha Pule & Cultural Protocols Begin at 5:30pm
Hula Hō'ike to follow
Hālau Ka'eaikahelelani
Nā Kumu Hula Kaʻea Lyons-Yglesias &
Kahelelani Alohikea-Smith
Kamakani O Ka Moku 'Āina
Kumu Victoria Kealohaululani Kā'opua Mikaele
Hālau Hula Maunalei
Kumu Lelehua Maunahina Bray
Hālau Hula ʻO Kawaimaluhia
Kumu John Mark Kamuela Jenny
Hālau Unuokeahi
Kumu Kapuaokalani Kaʻauʻa
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